
Product Announcements: June 20, 2019 – Phonexa Canada

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Maximum Lead Processing Time

The new field for setting Maximum Lead Processing Time can be used to help increase the redirect rate on sold leads if the publisher gives you a specific amount of seconds to process the lead.

For example: 

  • If a lead is received at 08:00:00 and the Publisher set the lead processing time to 30 seconds, the system will stop processing the lead and send a rejected status, if the Publisher doesn’t accept the lead within the designated time range.

Call Time Data Report

New data columns are available in the Performance Summary Reports allowing you to track the duration of calls by publishers or buyers.

  • Call Time – Total call duration.
  • Call Time Buyer – The duration of the conversation with the Buyer.
  • Average Call Duration – The average call duration for the selected date range.

Temporary Publisher and Publisher Source Blocking

The new feature allows you to pause the traffic from a publisher or source until a specific date/time. During the blocked period, the Publisher can log into a system and see reports and only affects the publisher traffic acceptance. You can unblock Publisher or Publisher Source at any time.

Calendar Schedule Display

We optimized the UI of the campaign schedule so that the calendar will only display campaigns with an “Active” status, and no longer display campaigns with a “Disabled Status.”

Additional Capabilities:

  • Bulk remove Schedule Rules
  • Bulk add Sources to White List, Cap List or Black List
  • Filter the list of Leads by Publisher Source

Phonexa is the leading all-in-one platform for call tracking, lead distribution, email, marketing, and digital marketing. The Phonexa staff is responsible for authorship of Phonexa blog posts.

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