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Affiliate Management

Do Affiliate Links Hurt SEO? Busting the Myth that Kills Your Money – Phonexa Canada
Helpful, well-designed, and contextualized affiliate links CANNOT hurt your SEO. I will bust this myth...
The 18 Best Home Improvement Lead Generation Companies for Affiliates – Phonexa Canada
This article is a part of our bigger home improvement lead generation guide, where we...
The End-of-Year Checklist for Marketers & Affiliate Managers: Preparing for Success in 2024
This comprehensive checklist delineates essential projects and tasks tailored for both marketers and affiliate managers, ensuring a thorough conclusion to 2023 and a...
Your Guide to Mastering SEO for Affiliate Marketing Excellence – Phonexa Canada
The tallest trees catch the most wind. This saying encourages accepting challenges, constantly growing, and...

Phonexa’s Ping Post 2.0 delivers 376% ROI to Enterprise

Real-time call bidding and lead acquisitions that generate robust ROI. Download the e-book below to learn more.

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Your 6 Best URL Shorteners for Affiliate Marketing – Phonexa Canada
The link’s visual appeal is significant for affiliate marketers since it helps to captivate internet...
Affiliate Network vs. Your Own Affiliate Program: The Hard Choice – Phonexa Canada
Without a doubt, affiliate marketing is one of the most effective ways to maintain a...
Your 15 Best Landing Page Builders for Affiliate Marketing – Phonexa Canada
In the competitive world of affiliate marketing, standing out from the crowd is non-negotiable. The...
Your Best Guide To Pay-Per-Call Affiliate Marketing in 2024 and Beyond – Phonexa Canada
Equally popular among baby boomers and Gen Z, phone calls haven’t ceased to be an...
Your 12 Best Affiliate Marketing Plugins for WordPress – Phonexa Canada
Two main goals dominate the digital market today: generating revenue and increasing visibility online. In...
Top Referral Software: 14 Best Referral Marketing Tools for Business – Phonexa Canada
Important: this article is a part of our affiliate martech stack series, where we shed...
19 Top Affiliate Marketing Software Suites for Affiliate Management – Phonexa Canada
Never has affiliate program management been as automated, hassle-free, and profitable as today, powered by...

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