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Unlocking Savings: 20 Best Heatmap Tools for Web & Mobile Traffic
With over 80% of people shopping online – and the numbers are bound to rise...
Website Heatmapping Guide: Types of Heatmaps and How To Read Them – Phonexa Canada
Understanding website visitors is key in the digital world. This is where the magic of...
Your Best Guide To Pay-Per-Call Affiliate Marketing in 2024 and Beyond – Phonexa Canada
Equally popular among baby boomers and Gen Z, phone calls haven’t ceased to be an...
Conversion Rate Optimization on Your Review & Price Comparison Websites – Phonexa Canada
E-commerce is a bustling, ever-evolving space, and price comparison websites have really come into their...

Phonexa’s Ping Post 2.0 delivers 376% ROI to Enterprise

Real-time call bidding and lead acquisitions that generate robust ROI. Download the e-book below to learn more.

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How To Build a Price Comparison Site for Competitive Pricing Analysis – Phonexa Canada
“Everything is known in comparison” – once a forefront philosophical thought, now the backbone of...
Your Best 14 Paid Media Tools for Affiliate Marketing – Phonexa Canada
Important: this article is a part of our affiliate martech stack series, where we shed...
Discovering Your Unique Space Among Affiliate Marketing Niches – Phonexa Canada
Establishing credibility and achieving success in affiliate marketing becomes effortless for brands that prioritize delivering...
The Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Marketing Blog 2024 – Phonexa Canada
The synergy of affiliate marketing and blogging has long been discovered by publishers and advertisers....
Performance Marketing Software: What It Is and When You Need It – Phonexa Canada
Most successful digital marketing and promotion strategies are often performance-driven. When marketers see audience engagement,...
Understanding Affiliate Marketing Ecosystem: What Is Affiliate Network? – Phonexa Canada
Businesses have been relying on affiliate marketing to generate more profits for a long time....
What is a Brand Ambassador & How It Differs From Affiliates and Influencers?
It’s not uncommon to mistake brand ambassadors for influencers or affiliates and use these terms...

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