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Increasing Marketing ROI with Call Tracking and Analytics – Phonexa Canada
Do your recent campaigns need an ROI boost? Check out these tips.
The Top Benefits of an Advanced Call Tracking Software – Phonexa Canada
The ever-increasing milestones in technological advancement make call tracking an invaluable asset to have.
Integrating Call Tracking with Your CRM – Phonexa Canada
Track and manage your web and call leads easier than ever before with the right integrations.
Entice, Enable, and Enrich Your Customers – Phonexa Canada
This is how you can establish a faithful following for your brand!

Phonexa’s Ping Post 2.0 delivers 376% ROI to Enterprise

Real-time call bidding and lead acquisitions that generate robust ROI. Download the e-book below to learn more.

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B2C Communication Strategies – Phonexa Canada
Have you incorporated all of these strategies into your B2C marketing efforts?
Interview with Founder Jay Weintraub – Phonexa Canada
We sat down with Jay Weintraub, Founder of, for an interview about the industry!
The History of Interactive Voice Response (IVR) – Phonexa Canada
Did you know that the first IVR system looked and operated like a piano?
Common IVR Complaints – Phonexa Canada
IVRs are becoming more and more widespread and it’s important to make sure you’ve designed yours with the consumer in mind.
IVRs: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly – Phonexa Canada
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems aren’t going anywhere. They’re improving and becoming more valuable for companies and consumers.

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