Lead Management System

Affiliate Marketing on Social Media: Untapped Revenue Streams – Phonexa Canada

In the digital marketing world where Facebook and Instagram draw marketers like flies to a flame, you can’t ignore the…

1 year ago

Understanding Affiliate Marketing Ecosystem: What Is Affiliate Network? – Phonexa Canada

Businesses have been relying on affiliate marketing to generate more profits for a long time. Amazon was one of the…

1 year ago

What is a Brand Ambassador & How It Differs From Affiliates and Influencers?

It’s not uncommon to mistake brand ambassadors for influencers or affiliates and use these terms interchangeably. While they have some…

1 year ago

Unlocking Revenue: What Are High-Ticket Affiliate Marketing Niches? – Phonexa Canada

Imagine earning $1,250 in affiliate commissions for every referral you make. Believe it or not, it's entirely achievable with high-ticket…

1 year ago

Your Ultimate Guide to Using AI for Performance and Affiliate Marketing – Phonexa Canada

If anyone was skeptical about AI in digital marketing, the cutting-edge capabilities of ChatGPT finally put the nail in the…

1 year ago

How To Create Valuable Customer Touchpoints in the Customer Journey – Phonexa Canada

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. A journey of a satisfied customer begins with a…

1 year ago

Leads vs. Sales: What Do You Need? – Phonexa Canada

Both leads and prospects are valuable for any business, and each plays an important role in the sales process. Knowing…

1 year ago

The Importance of Lead Tracking for Sales and Marketing – Phonexa Canada

Marketing and sales are two essential components of any successful business strategy. To truly maximize your profit potential, it's important…

1 year ago

10 Benefits of Lead Management Software that Convert More Web & Call Leads

A lead management solution can help you capture, convert, and retain more web and call leads.

2 years ago

Lead Flipping 101: All That You Need To Know About Lead Brokering – Phonexa Canada

Learn how lead flipping can help your business uncover new revenue opportunities and get your leads maximum exposure.

2 years ago

Why Do Companies Buy Cheap Leads? – Phonexa Canada

Find out if your business can benefit from the quality of free business leads and learn about the best way…

2 years ago

Relationship Marketing Strategies That Just Work – Phonexa Canada

Learn how relationship marketing can help your brand break through the noise, cultivate deeper connections with consumers, and increase customer…

2 years ago