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What is a Brand Ambassador & How It Differs From Affiliates and Influencers?
It’s not uncommon to mistake brand ambassadors for influencers or affiliates and use these terms...
Unlocking Revenue: What Are High-Ticket Affiliate Marketing Niches? – Phonexa Canada
Imagine earning $1,250 in affiliate commissions for every referral you make. Believe it or not,...
Your Ultimate Guide to Using AI for Performance and Affiliate Marketing – Phonexa Canada
If anyone was skeptical about AI in digital marketing, the cutting-edge capabilities of ChatGPT finally...
How To Create Valuable Customer Touchpoints in the Customer Journey – Phonexa Canada
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. A journey of a...

Phonexa’s Ping Post 2.0 delivers 376% ROI to Enterprise

Real-time call bidding and lead acquisitions that generate robust ROI. Download the e-book below to learn more.

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Channel Attribution Risks and Hurdles in Affiliate Marketing – Phonexa Canada
For those running multiple affiliate marketing campaigns, precise channel attribution is essential. After all, how...
How To Reach Your Target Audience Using Marketing Automation – Phonexa Canada
Marketing automation is only as effective as the strategies and practices that accompany it. Explore the best marketing automation practices companies can use to reach their...
New Validation for Phone Numbers Based on Regions: May 2023 Product Updates – Phonexa Canada
Phonexa’s tech team has been working hard, innovating and building custom solutions across our products...

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