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Marketing Campaigns

Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Affiliate Marketing on LinkedIn – Phonexa Canada
Affiliate marketing on LinkedIn involves leveraging the platform’s professional network to promote products or services...
Do Affiliate Links Hurt SEO? Busting the Myth that Kills Your Money – Phonexa Canada
Helpful, well-designed, and contextualized affiliate links CANNOT hurt your SEO. I will bust this myth...
25 Best Tips for Home Service Business Marketing – Phonexa Canada
This guide is part of our home services lead generation series, where we share the...
Construction Lead Generation Guide: How To Win More Construction Leads – Phonexa Canada
This guide is part of a home services lead generation series, where we dissect profitable...

Phonexa’s Ping Post 2.0 delivers 376% ROI to Enterprise

Real-time call bidding and lead acquisitions that generate robust ROI. Download the e-book below to learn more.

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5 Best Prospecting Strategies for 401k Advisors – Phonexa Canada
This article is a part of our comprehensive financial lead generation series, where we dissect...
Unlocking Google’s Secrets: Exploring New Evidence on How SEO Works – Phonexa Canada
Understanding how Google works is key to SEO success. SEO experts often rely on published...
Solar Lead Generation Guide: How To Get High-Intent Solar Leads – Phonexa Canada
Important: This article is a part of our lead generation guide for home services, where...
How to Master Demand Generation by Uncovering the Buyer’s Journey – Phonexa Canada
Harnessing the power of review sites has become a crucial element for businesses navigating the buyer's journey. 
Your 6 Best URL Shorteners for Affiliate Marketing – Phonexa Canada
The link’s visual appeal is significant for affiliate marketers since it helps to captivate internet...
Top Referral Software: 14 Best Referral Marketing Tools for Business – Phonexa Canada
Important: this article is a part of our affiliate martech stack series, where we shed...
Top Tactics To Grow Your Affiliate Marketing Traffic – Phonexa Canada
Affiliate marketing is the most effective way to promote your services and goods online. This...

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